Thursday, May 14, 2009

Banding of Esophageal Varices (Veins)

Today I went in for another banding of the varices (veins) in my esophagus. He said that they looked good (whatever that means) but he did alot more banding this time than last. So far it has been much worse than last time and I even cried leaving the Dr.'s recovery room for the way home b/c it hurt so bad. Last time I left, I couldn't wait to get some food and stopped at Wendy's for a Jr.bacon and fries! b/c you can't eat before your procedure. Today, that is the LAST thing I wanted to do b/c it hurt so bad. I just woke up alittle over an hour ago from taking a long nap and will keep popping more pain meds. It feels like severe heart burn but worse, something I can't explain. As you can imagine, food going down doesn't feel the greatest and I think I will stick to liquids for some time. I just can't believe all this has happened to me, the whole thing is crazy and I can't wait for it to be done. I miss my kids and wish they were home but I need some time alone for the day. Some day they will understand. Besides, being at Grandma and Grandpa's is always fun! Thank the Lord for them!

1 comment:

Mindy and Sean said...

Lisa- I hope you're feeling better today! We've been praying for you.