Thursday, April 30, 2009


So let me explain myself. When I was pregnant with Luke I had some minor "blood" issues, with my platelets. Almost couldn't get an epidural (glad that changed). Delivered, and off they sent me. Well, 5 weeks post partum my stomach was still huge so they took xrays which reviled kidney stones, nothing else. So when I returned to work after maternity leave, I decided I wanted to see how many stones I had and I scanned myself. ( I love my job!) Yes I had alot of stones and that is when my great partner noticed how LARGE my spleen was. That got us thinking..... I went to my family Dr. with my findings of my spleen, he did some blood work, got me an Ultrasound, sent me to a Cancer and hematologist and that man told me that he is No spleen Dr., that most people sitting in his office KNOW they have cancer and are not there for him to figure out. Give it 6 months post partum and everything will return to normal. Well it didnt. I had issues with alot of weird things. Got me a new primary Dr. He ordered more labs....Then I became Anemic. Still no biggy to everyone but me. I even made a "fake" Dr.'s appointment about acne to talk to him SERIOUSLY. I told him, I don't want to diagnose myself with some disease but is it possible we could be missing something here? "no. I just think this is your year for things to happen."

That was until a month ago when I started having abdomen pain and I decided to scan myself AGAIN.


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