Sunday, January 27, 2008

22 days and counting

This is my first journal in our new blog. It has been a long week, I am really tired, and can't wait for junior to get out. 22 more days but who's counting! I feel huge, ugly, and can't move. I can't wait to run around again. It was a fun weekend. I actually got to see all my girlfriends on Friday night for some pizza and hanging out, and Saturday my brother-in-law proposed to his girlfriend Sarah and we met up at a bar to celebrate. Looks like it is going to be a busy summer with 2 kids now! I hope I am a good mom!


Jackie said...

Wow Lisa, you never cease to amaze me. You are so organized and put together, how do you find time to fit all this stuff in? I only wish I had half of your organization!!~!! Cute pictures and congrats to Dave and Sarah. Talk to you later today!

Denise said...

You are a great mom! Carlie proves it!