Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Metro Cruise 5K FIRST PLACE!!

Before I ran this race I wanted to have a shirt made that said this: "ALL that matters in life is CHRIST". Pastor Don spoke that to me a few weeks ago and it is all I think about lately b/c its true, and if we don't constantly think about that, its easy to let the "little" stuff of life take priority. Who cares about your clean house? Who cares about your clothes, vehicles, home, all these so called "items" that "make" people happy. Do they really think that those things are going to make them happy? Ya right! Thank the LORD that I know Him, and have HIM in my life b/c in the end....none of that other stuff matters but HIM. I just thought, what a perfect quote to have on my running shirts....B/c it doesn't matter how fast I run, how I place, if I place....Who cares? I do it b/c I owe him the glory and because I am alive today b/c of him. I have life, I am a healthy woman, wife, mom! I ran, and I finished, first!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it? I sure can't!! I was sooo overwhelmed with emotions that all I could do was cry. ME? this just can't be happening to me? It was awesome! It was an amazing journey of life, a happy and joyous day of celebration of how far I have come!!! I am just so geeked, so proud of myself. I can do this! I really can run? I felt the Lords hand with me the whole time, he speaks to me through running and when I run, I feel this closeness with him. When I was done I know that he was wrapping his arms around me saying "good job Lisa!" I cannot describe how empowering and how full of strength it makes me feel when I finish. I am strong now, my body is strong, inside and out and it makes me feel sooooooo happy!!!!!

Summers Ending??? So soon???

We have had one of the best summers in my entire life! My kids are at a great age and maybe its b/c I savor every moment and realize that life is going to be gone before we know it or at any time. I have had a BLAST with my kids this year!!!
Karlie is so beautiful, growing up so much, she is starting to push mom away alittle more every day b/c she's "too cool" for mom. Breaks my heart.
Luke, he is my stud and I just can't get enough of him. He is at that great age where he is funny, and just so cute! I never thought the 2's were bad, for me, it hits when they turn 3. So far, he is just awesome. I love them both sooooo much, I honestly don't know what I would do without them. I love being a mom and pray that I am here to do the job for a very very long time!!